Click for Kids
Jim Click has been a decades-long mentor, friend and supporter of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson. With his help, we have accomplished so much in meeting the needs of Tucson’s youth. In his honor, we created the Click for Kids Award.
As our highest recognition and expression of gratitude, we present this award annually at our Steak & Burger dinner. Every recipient has made an unparalleled impact on both the Clubs and youth served by them.
Read more about each of our winners to discover what makes these special individuals, couples and organizations our heroes.
Click for Kids Award Recipients
Treena Parvello has been a dedicated and invaluable board member for the past five years, playing a key role in strengthening our partnership with Desert Diamond Casino. Under her leadership, the casino has contributed over $145,000 to our organization, supporting major initiatives such as Youth of the Year, Party with a Purpose, The Event, and the Poker Tournament.
Treena has also been instrumental in expanding our reach into Tohono O’odham and is always willing to provide underwriting for events. Her unwavering commitment, leadership, and hands-on support make her a trusted and essential part of our mission.
Julie and Dale Butcher have been devoted to BGCT for a decade. With a professional background in fundraising, Julie has served as board president, past president, and interim CEO.
As one board member put it:
“In my almost 32 years on the board of BGCT, I have never seen a more dedicated board member, a more caring person, a more successful fundraiser. She puts her heart and soul and her financial backing into the Clubs. Julie and Dale continue to make the Boys & Girls Clubs a priority in their lives, and they do so with love and total commitment. There is not a person in their life’s sphere that does not know about BGCT and who they have not asked to support our Club’s mission.”
The Levin family, headed by Alan and Jan, has supported Tucson’s business and philanthropy communities for decades.
Alan is the owner of Cushing Business Center, Century Park Research Center, Tucson Frozen Storage, and Levin & Sons Construction Company. In 2001, Alan founded the Port of Tucson, which has continued to grow and expand alongside our vibrant city. It is now led by his sons Matt and Mike.
The entire Levin family — Alan, Jan, Claudia, Mike, Jody, Matt and Laura — have supported El Rio Health, TMC Foundation, Tucson Girls Chorus, Child and Family Resources, Pima County 4-H, Arizona Cancer Center, YMCA, American Heart Association, Davis Monthan Air Force base and its families, and, of course, Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson.
For years, the Levins have supported BGCT’s efforts to support Tucson’s most at-risk youth in many ways, including by providing hundreds of thousands of dollars in special gifts for many unique and impactful projects and programs.
There are no words to express the depth of gratitude we have towards this incredible family.
Todd Bisbocci has worked tirelessly promoting and serving Tucson’s youth who need us the most through scholarship opportunities, volunteerism, advocacy, fundraising and philanthropy. His aim is to ensure that his amazing BGCT experience makes the same impact on the youth in our community. Todd continues to work hard to assist youth in developing self-esteem, values, and skills with a special interest in ensuring teens graduate from high school.
Todd is a BGCT alumnus and joined the board in 2016. He is currently serving as the Treasurer on the BGCT Board of Directors and has for the last three consecutive years, he has been serving as co-chair of the Youth of the Year/ Steak & Burger event over the last several years and has taken it to a higher level. Todd also serves as the Finance Committee Chair and the Board Activity Committee Chair. In addition, he has continued to be an active voice for BGCT locally and nationally, raising and donating significant funds to our Clubs and playing a hands-on role in ensuring our financial goals are met.
What started as a small gathering of friends hosted by Tucson winter residents and philanthropists Tim and Diane Meyer to raise money for charities serving children has grown into a full-blown annual tournament with more than 30 teams.
Affectionately known as Team Cholla, the group of friends has raised more than $465,000 for BGCT in the past 10 years. In recognition of this incredible dedication, Tim and Diane were honored with the Click for Kids award in 2021.
“We could not be more grateful and appreciative for all the hard work Tim, Diane and Team Cholla have put in over the past 10 years to support Tucson’s children and the work we do at Boys & Girls Clubs,” says Denise Watters, BGCT CEO. “Their donations have helped fund countless programs and services, and we hope to continue to partner with them for as long as Team Cholla keeps golfing!”
Since opening their first direct-to-you furniture warehouse in Tucson in the 1950s, the Levitz Family has been making a huge impact in our community. Sam (Abraham Samuel) Levitz served on the Board (1992-2005) and left a legacy planned gift in his estate to support BGCT youth in perpetuity.
Sam R. Levitz, Amber Levitz and Lindsay Levitz-Burke continue the legacy of supporting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson and many other non-profit organizations in our community.
The Levitz Family has donated over $200,000 in cash and over $100,000 in-kind over the last thirty years. The Levitz are major sponsors of The Event with their three-year commitment as Martini Sponsor. Amber and Lindsay renovated the Jim and Vicki Click Clubhouse, Frank and Edith Clubhouse and Holmes Tuttle Clubhouse Teen Centers. They also donated and delivered 30 beds and bedding in 2018 to BGCT Club kid families and are always reaching out to Clubhouse Directors to see if any child is in need of a bed.
Most importantly, three generations of Levitz Family members have believed in the next generation of Tucson impacting the lives of almost 100,000 at-risk youth in Tucson. The Levitz Family has made a positive and consequential impact on the BGCT.
Laurie and Larry Wetterschneider and Linda and Stuart Nelson have tirelessly promoted and served Tucson’s youth through volunteerism, advocacy, fundraising, and philanthropy. Their combined personal giving to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson is well over $400,000. In addition, Laurie Wetterschneider has personally secured more than $1.31 million in solicitations throughout her years as a Board Member. They have brought unique and extraordinary programming into the Clubs and enabled youth to gain experiences they would not otherwise have received.
Laurie and Larry Wetterschneider have supported the Clubs since 1990. Laurie’s exemplary Board service has yielded remarkable financial results, and her influence within the community has brought other community leaders into the organization.
Linda and Stuart Nelson have been champions for the kids, especially in arts education. In addition to their significant funding for the arts program at the Frank & Edith Morton Clubhouse for many years, they also have funded Thanksgiving Dinners, the Summer Camp Program and the Canales Project/Finding Your Voice Program.
The Wetterschneider-Nelson family has made a positive and consequential impact on Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson and youth they serve. They are considered great friends of the youth and we are so fortunate to have them as donors and ambassadors for our organization.
Sam Fox and his amazing team dream up the best in innovative food, drinks, service, ambiance and architecture. The Fox Restaurant Concepts team has found profound success in developing restaurants that the Tucson community has wholeheartedly embraced. Since 1998 Sam Fox has been a champion for the youth, always giving back and encouraging others in the community to do the same. FRC has hosted numerous dinners, events and fed our members and their families. His leadership comes in the form of setting an example for other local businesses to step up and support the next generation, our children.
At Fox Restaurant Concepts, they strive to ensure that every restaurant is truly ingrained in the fabric of the communities they serve. As part of their charitable giving commitment, they support the local community and nonprofit organizations with their time, money and culinary talent. They have led by example and set a standard of giving excellence for all other businesses in Tucson.
Sam Fox and FRC’s endorsement of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson has inspired others to contribute to help save the lives of kids in our community. They always go above and beyond knowing that the presentation and quality of their food will generate hundreds of thousands of dollars for Tucson’s kids every year.
Jeannie and Cole Davis are helping to transform the lives of at-risk youth in Tucson. Their outpouring of generosity in funding new training for the staff, new innovative academic programs, athletic programs, the arts and so much more has empowered us to seek new heights in excellence. They closely follow the organization and their use of funds, leadership and staff and are involved and interested in making the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson a stellar program.
As an example of their specific impact, they belong to a rare subset of donors who understand the importance of staff training and unrestricted gifts. Ensuring our staff are on top of the latest and greatest training for youth and that the Administrative Staff is trained on leadership, fundraising and human resources is very important in maintaining a top-rated Boys & Girls Club. For many years, they have contributed financially so that the organization can have staff and leadership success.
As Emeritus Board Members and Leadership Donors, Jeannie and Cole Davis are two of the humblest and kind individuals one will ever meet. They are true supporters of our most precious resource: our children. With an open spirit of generosity to all charities in Tucson, and staying very active in the community, they truly deserve to be recognized for all their years of involvement.
Since 1982 the Tucson Conquistadores have provided the BGCT with $1.32 million in funding to support athletic programs, operational funding and van transportation for the thousands of youth served each year. The esteemed men who make up the Conquistadores are some of the most influential and active in our community and also support our kids through their own corporate and individual contributions.
There is no denying that the Tucson Conquistadores is single-handedly the most supportive, engaged and committed group of donors the BGCT has ever had. During the past 31 years, we estimate that the Conquistadores positively impacted approximately 100,000 at-risk youth, encouraging them to become engaged in team sports, providing staff mentors to teach and guide them, purchasing vans to transport them to sporting events and competitions. In addition, the funds underwrote field trips and other organized activities, thus making opportunities available to our children that would otherwise never be possible.
Simply put, there is no other group that has provided the funding, engagement, individual and collective resources to support our kids for 34 years. Their support in the last several years, when economic conditions could have provided a valid excuse to back off from support, has never wavered. In fact, they even stepped up their commitment in 2013 through providing a match challenge to their annual auto raffle and strongly recommended us for the 6 Bags Project! We celebrate this incredible group for their tireless commitment to making a better future for every youth a reality.
Mark Irvin’s passion for the Clubs runs deep and for 24 years, he has invested his time and energy to ensure that the Clubs are funded and able to provide kids in Tucson’s most disadvantaged neighborhoods with the promise of a bright future. Mark has held countless roles throughout his tenure on the board: Board President, chair of Planning and Development, Nominating and Benefactor Committee and Co-Chaired the Auction, Sponsorship, The Event and The Party Committee. Mark is also one of the founders of The Event and The Party. Most recently, Mark stepped in as unpaid interim CEO when the Clubs were in need.
Over the years, his contributions to the Clubs have been many including remarkable fundraising and recruiting efforts. He created the Click Founders Circle, raising operating funds for the Jim & Vicki Click Clubhouse. He also recruited over 30 Associate Board Members and Board Members. He takes every opportunity to speak to groups and individuals to secure funding and establish relationships that will sustain the Clubs’ programming. Mark is also responsible for countless gifts, but some of the most recent and significant are Rollin’ for Ninos and furniture donations from Mutual of Omaha Bank. Mark was also a founder of The Event and The Party and part of the leadership team responsible for the infamous million-dollar Auction.
Mark leads by example and always makes time for the Clubs regardless of how time consuming his other commitments may be. He is well known throughout Tucson for his passion for the kids, and inspires others to join in and support the Clubs anyway they can. Mark recently engaged the Tucson Fire Department to adopt Clubhouses and has been responsible for connecting the Clubs with the Davis Monthan Air force Base.
Mark is a truly deserving recipient of the Click for Kids award! Congratulations Mark!
Mother-Daughter duo Pam McNair-Wingate and Jana Westerbeke have demonstrated a huge impact on the Clubs since Pam joined the Board of Directors in 1984 and Jana in 2002. Both have contributed countless hours serving in leadership capacities (Jana was the Board President in 2008 and The Party Chair in 2012) and have made more than $500,000 in direct financial contributions and an additional $150,000 in in-kind support (through their successful salon Gadabout).
With over 30 years of service, Mr. Lovitt is the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson’s longest-tenured board member. He was part of the original group of 25 people who got together over 35 years ago to save the Clubs from closing. Mr. Lovitt has been responsible for raising between 12 to 15 million dollars and co-created The Event, The Party, the Click Founders Circle, and the Million Dollar Holiday Auction.
Jon Volpe has never hesitated to share his story of being a Boys & Girls Club youth and how that experience changed his life, driving him to attend Stanford University while many of his peers had no expectation of college. Jon and Heather have led by example in their leadership by being long-time volunteer judges for the Youth of the Year, sponsoring and attending almost every event benefiting the Clubs. As the president and founder of Nova Home Loans, they have contributed over $530,000 to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson.
The Garretts have made substantial donations over the past 15 years, including a $100,000 donation for the Russell D. Garrett Gym at the Frank and Edith Morton Clubhouse. They have been regular sponsors of The Party and The Event and continue to support the kids.
For over 25 years, Mr. Dawson was the Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson. He took the organization from one Clubhouse serving less than 1,000 kids to six Clubhouses serving close to 7,000 kids. He grew the board of 20 Members to over 65 Regular Board Members, 10 Emeritus Board Members, 15 Senior Board Members and over 100 Associates.
In 1979, after learning that the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson were in trouble, Mr. Click stepped in and saved the Clubs from closing. He personally recruited the first 18 board members, loaned the Clubs the money they needed to survive and coordinated the Clubs’ first fundraiser. Since then, Mr. Click’s time, money, energy, influence and passion have helped the kids at the Clubs every day. Every single one of the strategically located Clubhouses throughout Tucson was made possible by his generosity. One Clubhouse, the Jim and Vicki Click Clubhouse, proudly bears his name.

Youth of the Year
Youth of the Year is something special. A national program and competition, it recognizes and nurtures leadership qualities amongst our teen Club members. It highlights the future leaders of tomorrow by celebrating their service to the community, academic achievements, obstacles overcome, public speaking skills, and more.
Every year, two winners are selected from each of our Clubhouses after an interview and application process. Every one of those selected receives a scholarship to assist them in their academic pursuits. From those six, one candidate is chosen as the Mark Irvin City of Tucson Youth of the Year, and also represents BGCT in Phoenix as part of the next stage in the competition process. Additional scholarships, incentives, and honors are awarded as candidates progress further in the competition, culminating in an exciting opportunity to visit the White House.
2024 Mark Irvin City of Tucson Youth of the Year
Jaydon Moore
Jim & Vicki Click Clubhouse
Congratulations Jaydon! Jaydon is the 2024 Mark Irvin City of Tucson Youth of the Year winner from the Jim and Vicki Click Clubhouse.
Jaydon Moore is a 17-year-old student at Rincon High School and is set to graduate in May 2025. Considering universities such as the University of Arizona, USC, and UCLA, Jaydon aims to pursue a career in athletic training or sports medicine. His defining characteristics include being driven, and an active listener. He actively seeks opportunities to collaborate with others, demonstrating his commitment to teamwork. With eight years of club membership, showcasing his dedication, Jaydon Moore is poised for success in his future endeavors.

Past Winners (YOTY Alumni)
2023 Winner Hakima Abdulkadir
2022 Winner Mariah Alarcon
2021 Winner Anycia Alarcon
2020 Winner Jasimiair Roebuck
2019 Winner Destiny Delgado
2018 Winner Bahati Jackson
2017 Winner Karla Figueroa Leon
2016 Winner Paola Bustamante
2015 Winner Goel Ellis
2014 Winner David Johnson
2013 Winner Goel Ellis
2012 Winner Anthony Wimberly
2011 Winner Arreana Robles
2010 Winner Juliet Yardy
2009 Winner Mark (TJ) Quijada
2008 Winner Tessa Kozlowski
2007 Winner Samantha Bossert
2006 Winner Tessa Kozlowski
2005 Winner Kevin Bennett
2004 Winner Ramon Moran
2003 Winner George Yslava
2002 Winner Kristina Ruiz
2001 Winner Leticia Moran
2000 Winner Ramon Ahumada
1999 Winner Ramon Ahumada
1998 Winner Joseph Nique Guerrero
1997 Winner Jaime Guerro
1996 Winner Yvonne Rodriguez
1995 Winner Vila Sisamout
1994 Winner Vila Sisamout
1993 Winner Maria Arevalo
1992 Winner Julie Merten-Voskuil
1991 Winner Maria Arevalo
1990 Winner George Schmid
1989 Winner Kurtisha Flannigan
1988 Winner Keisha Flannigan
1987 Winner Chieva Bush
1986 Winner Jose Leon
1985 Winner Albert Madril