Our corporate partners play an important role in supporting our annual after-school programs in education & careers, arts, STEM, health and character & leadership.
New partnerships help advance our mission and we are always passionate about forging lasting, meaningful relationships with organizations committed to youth development and social change. There are many reasons to partner with us, and we look forward to developing a tailor-made strategic relationship that plays a pivotal role in impacting future generations to come.
Make an Impactful Gift
As a 100% local and independent nonprofit, your donations are more important than ever. All gifts help us to retain as much of our staff and programming as possible during the ongoing global pandemic.

In-Kind/Wish Lists
There are many ways to support the thousands of Tucson youth we serve at BGCT.
Donation Deliveries
Many of our amazing members come from financially at-risk situations and so need access to healthy snacks and supplies. You can either drop off or for convenience or order online and ship highly valued snacks and supply items to the Clubs.
Items can be dropped off at our Frank & Edith Morton Clubhouse located at 3155 E. Grant Rd., Monday-Friday. Please note Clubhouse hours of operation vary during the summer and the school year, so either check online or call us at (520) 573-3533 for more information.
All Clubhouses Supplies and Snack Needs
New School Supplies
Colored pencils, pens, rulers, markers, highlighters, glue/gluesticks, writing paper, hand sanitizer
Art Supplies
acrylic paints, pastels, charcoal, watercolors, drawing pencils, brushes, art paper
New Sports Equipment
Basketballs, baseballs, footballs, baseball equipment, flag football equipment, play canopies, water coolers/jugs for outdoor play and field trips
New Board Games / Puzzles
Taboo, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Chutes & Ladders, Candyland, Uno, Dos, video games, stereos, audio & video equipment
Maintenance Supplies
Vacuum cleaners, power wash, shop vacs, paint brushes, rollers, etc.
Desks, tables and chairs
New Kitchen Supplies
Disposable aluminum baking pans, tin foil, Saran Wrap, cookie sheets, disposable containers
Paper plates and cups, napkins and paper towels, plastic utensils
Serving utensils, can openers, ice cream scoopers, carving knives
Measuring cups and spoons, whisks, pot holders, trivets, hot pads, salt and pepper shakers
Dish towels, dish soap, disinfectant sprays, counter cleaners, scouring pads and sponges,
Small Appliances
Microwave ovens, coffee makers, toaster ovens, handheld mixers (electric or manual)
Healthy snacks for snack bar and field trips
Fruit, granola bars, juice boxes
New, unopened individual serving sized snacks within the expiration date
Bottled water
Corporate Volunteer Programs
Does your organization have a group of volunteers interested in assisting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson for a one-time event or ongoing support?

We are proud to receive this coveted 4-star rating for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson is proudly supported by the United Way of Tucson.