Give the Gift of a Great Future
With your donations, Boys and Girls Clubs of Tucson is empowered to serve thousands of at-risk youth in Tucson across our six Clubhouses with quality after-school and summer programming, homework assistance and caring staff and mentors.
The Boys and Girls Club of Tucson qualifies for the Arizona Charitable Organization Tax Credit (QCO #20282). If you are an Arizona taxpayer, you may claim this tax credit in addition to other types of tax credits.
Claim a Tax Credit
Your year-end contribution may qualify for a dollar-for-dollar tax credit of up to $800 per family.
Planned Giving
Planned Giving helps you meet your personal, financial and estate planning goals by making a lifetime or testamentary charitable gift. Learn about giving stocks and bonds, land/real estate, retirement assets, cash and/or insurance using our Club Gift platform.
Employee Giving (Corporate Match)
Many employers will match a gift you make to a nonprofit. Your effortless gift could be instantly doubled (or in some cases more). To see if your employer will match your giving, use the search function below. It really could be just as easy as giving a few minutes of your time for your generous gift stretch twice as far!
Amazon Smile
Do you shop on Amazon? At absolutely no additional cost to you, we’ll receive .5% of every order you place when you select BGCT as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile. Over the course of a year, that adds up to thousands of extra dollars we put directly into our mission of serving Tucson’s youth!
Signing up is easy! On Amazon Smile, sign in with the same username and password as you would with your normal Amazon account. On My Account click “Settings”, and in the charities search bar type in “Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson”. Click Select when you see us, and that’s it: we are now your preferred charity. When you’re done, why not send us a quick email to let us know so we can properly thank you and invite you for a Club tour if interested?
Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is the Tuesday that follows Thanksgiving every year. Its mission is to create an entire day centered around the idea of doing good in the world.
For Giving Tuesday this year, consider a special donation to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson in support of our work with thousands of at-risk youth every year.
Or if you would rather get involved in a more hands-on way, explore a volunteering option or even schedule a visit at one of our six Clubhouses to find out how you can support our mission.
AZ Gives Day
Having raised nearly $30 million for non-profits, Arizona Gives Day is one of the most important for non-profits in the state of Arizona. You can make a gift through AZ Gives’ website or start your own fundraiser for BGCT.
Though the AZ Gives campaign happens once a year, you can still donate and suggest events throughout the year. To find out more, visit our campaign page at https://www.azgives.org/bgctucson.
- Visit https://www.frysfood.com.
- Create or Login to your Fry’s Account (make sure to input your VIP Number)
- Click on Community Rewards under ‘My Account’
- Search for Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson by using this code: JS668
- Click ‘Enroll’
United Way
United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona serves more than 200,000 people yearly to ensure their well-being throughout all stages of life. Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson is proud to be a United Way beneficiary celebrating our mutual commitment to the success of youth. To learn more about the incredible work of United Way, visit https://unitedwaytucson.org/.
In-kind/Wish lists
Below are always-valued supplies all Clubhouses need year-round. Items can be dropped off at our Frank & Edith Morton Clubhouse located at 3155 E. Grant Rd., Monday-Friday. Please note Clubhouse hours of operation vary during the summer and the school year, so either check online or call us at (520) 573-3533 for more information.
All Clubhouses
- New, unopened individual serving sized snacks within the expiration date
- Bottled water
- New school supplies such as colored pencils, rulers, markers, highlighters, glue/gluesticks, etc.
- Pencils, pens, writing paper
- Hand sanitizer
- Acrylic paints, pastels, charcoal, watercolors
- Drawing pencils, brushes, art paper
- Basketballs, baseballs, footballs
- Baseball equipment, flag football equipment
- Play canopies
- Water coolers/jugs for outdoor play and field trips
- Taboo, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Chutes & Ladders, Candyland, Uno, Dos
- Video games, stereos, audio & video equipment
- Vacuum cleaners
- Power wash, shop vacs
- Paint brushes, rollers, etc.
- Furniture
- Desks
- Tables and chairs
- Disposable aluminum baking pans, tin foil, Saran Wrap, cookie sheets, disposable containers
- Paper plates and cups, napkins and paper towels, plastic utensils
- Serving utensils, can openers, ice cream scoopers, carving knives
- Measuring cups and spoons, whisks, pot holders, trivets, hot pads, salt and pepper shakers
- Dish towels, dish soap, disinfectant sprays, counter cleaners, scouring pads and sponges,
- Small appliances; e.g., microwave ovens, coffee makers, toaster ovens, handheld mixers (electric or manual)
- Healthy snacks for snack bar and field trips
- Fruit, granola bars, juice boxes
Social Media
Visit our social media channels to follow and share our news. We’ll also post information on unique events and testimonials from our amazing youth and team.
Donor Privacy
Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson uses MobileCause and Greater Giving Online for all of its online donations. If you have any questions regarding the security or privacy of your information when making a donation, please contact our Administrative Office at (520) 573-3533.